Consider a Wheel Chair Lift!

Have an ADA need in your building but don’t have the space, resources, nor budget for an elevator? Consider a wheel chair lift. Also known as a Vertical Platform lift. We offer several projects that can help those with disabilities easily navigate throughout your building! Check out these animations to get an idea of what [...]

2017-06-02T16:30:32+00:00May 15th, 2017|Blog|

Outside the Box

It took some “outside the box” thinking but Genesis was able to figure out how to get an elevator to fit into a pre-existing building with limited space and constraints. We were proud to team up with Takeuchi and install an elevator in their facility! Need a quotation on a commercial elevator install or commercial [...]

2017-06-02T16:31:23+00:00April 26th, 2017|Blog|

College Degree Vs. Trade School…That is the Question!

Today it seems like everyone thinks they are supposed to go to college. This should come as no surprise since we have absolutely crammed this idea down everyone’s throat for the last few decades. Whereas perhaps a college degree used to be the “meal ticket” for success the problem now days is that demand for [...]

2017-06-02T16:31:42+00:00April 18th, 2017|Blog|

Simpler Solutions With Genesis Elevators

Customer~ “Great- we just built this beautiful new performing arts building but the inspector won’t pass because of ADA access! We are going to have to tear these steps out and build a ramp!!!!” Been down this road? Nothing is more stressful than trying to get a CO. In this case Genesis was able to [...]

2017-06-02T16:32:33+00:00April 14th, 2017|Blog|

Genesis Elevator is a Faith Based Company

If God ain't real, then explain this: Genesis is a faith based company who values honesty, doing the right thing, and accountability. These pillars of Christian faith have served us well and we thank God everyday for our business, employees, and customers who make it all happen! Thank you for allowing Genesis Elevator to serve [...]

2017-06-02T16:32:56+00:00April 5th, 2017|Blog|

The Importance of Skilled Trades

There is a very obvious shortage of skilled trades right now. For whatever the reasons there are not nearly enough electricians, plumbers, mill workers, welders, elevator technicians ect….let alone “talented” tradesmen required to meet the current and upcoming demand! If we as leaders in the construction industry expect the upcoming generations to provide excellent commercial [...]

2017-06-02T16:35:19+00:00March 3rd, 2017|Blog|

Genesis Elevator Partnering with Beecham

Picture a place where you wake up inspired every day and a place where you’ll immediately recognize the careful planning and thoughtfulness put into each and every detail. This is place that Beecham Builder Group has called “Folia – Old Milton”. Genesis Elevator Company is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Beecham in [...]

2017-06-02T16:28:55+00:00February 28th, 2017|Blog|

Bring in the New Year Changes with Genesis Elevator Company!

As we all think about our New Year’s resolutions for 2017, one thing you may be considering is updating a new or existing home with mobility options! Whether it be purely for aesthetics or a genuine mobility need from an injury, or you have become a recent wheelchair recipient, Genesis Elevator Company of Atlanta, Ga. [...]

2017-02-08T13:05:22+00:00January 5th, 2017|Blog|
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